
use finder to avoid running functions multiple types with same input parameters

Let’s say you have a function processing_function(a, b, c) that returns a br.Spectrum type based on parameters a, b, and c.

You can use the finder functionality to avoid running processing_function() multiple times with the same set of a, b, and c parameters.

How it works. First time you run processing_function(a, b, c), it will process/calculate the desired spectrum based on a, b, and c parameters. It will then save it somewhere. If you try to run processing_function(a, b, c) with the same parameters set, it will load and return the already calculated spectrum.


There are two ways to user the finder functionality

  1. via decorators (recommended)

1a) function that saves one Spectrum

# define path where files will be saved

>>> br.finder.folderpath = '<some-path>'

# verbose for finder can be set (default is True)

>>> br.finder.verbose = True

# apply the decorator to you function

>>> @br.finder.track
>>> def processing_function(a, b, c):
>>>    s = <does something with a, b and c and returns s>
>>>    return s

1b) function that saves one multiple Spectrum

# define path where files will be saved

>>> br.finder.folderpath = '<some-path>'

# verbose for finder can be set (default is True)

>>> br.finder.verbose = True

# apply the decorator to you function

>>> @br.finder.track2
>>> def processing_function(a, b, c):
>>>    s1 = <does something with a, b and c and returns s1>
>>>    s2 = <does something with a, b and c and returns s2>
>>>    s3 = <does something with a, b and c and returns s3>
>>>    return s1, s2, s3

1c) function that saves one Spectra

# define path where files will be saved

>>> br.finder.folderpath = '<some-path>'

# verbose for finder can be set (default is True)

>>> br.finder.verbose = True

# apply the decorator to you function

>>> @br.finder.trackss
>>> def processing_function(a, b, c):
>>>    ss = <does something with a, b and c and returns ss>
>>>    return ss
  1. manually setting up the finder function, where files will be save in folderpath

# verbose for finder can be set (default is True) br.finder.verbose = True

# your processing function must be defined like this, where parameters is a dictionary # with the calculation parameters

>>> def processing_function(parameters, folderpath):
>>>     # try and find if spectrum has already been calculated
>>>     s = search(parameters, folderpath=folderpath)
>>>     if s is not None:
>>>         return s
>>>     #### process something
>>>     <include-code-here>
>>>     # save spectra so it is not needed to run it again
>>>     save(s=s, parameters=parameters, folderpath=folderpath)
>>>     return s

Developers note: in the future, maybe we can make a better way to get the last file number in function _save()




delete all spectrum and restart finder file, folderpath)

Check if data has already been calculated/processed with similar parameters

  • string (str) – string to search inside filepath. String must be representative of all parameters used to process the spectrum

  • folderpath (string or Path) – folderpath to save spectra. This folder path must contain a file named ‘finder.txt’. If not, one will be created.


keyerror – if finder_values have keys that do not match with finder_tags.


spectrum if data is found, or None.

brixs.addons.finder.searchss(parameters, folderpath)

Check if data has already been calculated/processed with similar parameters

  • string (str) – string to search inside filepath. String must be representative of all parameters used to process the spectrum

  • folderpath (string or Path) – folderpath to save spectra. This folder path must contain a file named ‘finder.txt’. If not, one will be created.


keyerror – if finder_values have keys that do not match with finder_tags.


spectra if data is found, or None., s, folderpath)

saves processed/calculated spectrum so one does not have to process it again

  • folderpath (string or Path) – folderpath to save spectra.

  • string (string) – string to save in the finder file

  • s (br.spectrum) – spectrum to be saved

  • filepath (Path or str) – filepath that points to a file which odd lines

  • line (list the parameters used to process a certain spectrum and the next)

  • spectrum. (gives the associated filepath of this)

